Facchinetti Factory Complex

2019 Vicenza, Italy

Client: Private
Size: 2500 sqf
Silvia Casarotto

Arch. Chiara Pellizzaro
Arch. Alice Mioni
Status: Concept study

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The complex stands on a strip of land located on the southern edge of the historic center between this and the ancient oratory of S. Rocco, in the original Codalonga district. The shape of the site is defined by the course of the Thiene canal to the east and by the road that leads to Vicenza (now via S. Rocco): a strategic position, dictated by excellent accessibility and by the presence of the canal that supplied energy to the factory. the morphology of the margins and the pre-existing structures condition the building structure which, built on the fronts of the road and the canal, is articulated around a courtyard with an irregularly extended shape.


Tel. +39 347 849 5575
Email. info@scaworks.com
Via E.T. Moneta 216 (Interno 7)
36100 Vicenza – IT