Renovation Ex-Manifattura Tabacchi Buildings

2009 Milan, Italy

Client: Private
Size: 83.000 sqm
Archea Associati

Part of the Team:
Arch. Silvia Casarotto
Status: Competition
Credits: Archea Associati

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The recovery project of the former Manifattura Tabacchi complex concerns an extensive industrial complex that was abandoned in 1999, located in Milan between Viale Fulvio Testi, Via Suzzani, Via Esperia, and Via S. Monica, near the Grande Bicocca area. The existing buildings, most of which are bound by the Superintendency of Architectural Heritage, were built mainly in the years between 1929 and 1960 and constitute a testimony of the twentieth-century productive settlement of great interest. The area has an extension of about 83,700 square meters and provides for the establishment of a mix of private and public functions: about 54,000 square meters are intended for private functions – residence for about 33,000 square meters, trade for about 8,500 square meters, compatible destinations for about 6,500 sq m – and over 29,000 sq m for public functions.


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